Trans - Labour Market - Wallet - release
Arrangör | Medida/Rätt Olika |
Tid | 2025-03-05 08:00 – 2025-03-07 13:15 |
Plats | Link will be sent shortly before the seminar , Online |
The time has come to release the findings of the study Trans - Labour Market - Wallet. We do this in three seminars the first week of March. Date, time and themes is presented further down.
Trans - Labour Market - Wallet is a study of trans people's situation on the labour market and economical situation. It is based on a survey, responded by over 1000 trans people in Sweden and Finland.
The main results show a major vulnerability on the labour market, with subsequent economical difficulties. The vulnerability can be explained by several different factors, where the major are reduced working capacity, not being able to live as yourself and the process of transition and exposure to different forms of harassment. The study also centers differences within the group, especially focusing age, country and gender related differences within the group.
Each seminar presents one or two themes from the report, commented by an expert and ending by a group discussion. Themes and commentators might be updated.
NOTE: time schedule refers to Stockholm time!
Wednesday 5th of March, 8.00-9.15:
- The concept of gender in a trans context
- Harrassment and discrimination
Commentator: to be confirmed
Thursday 6th of March,
- Trans people on the gender segregated labour market.
Commentator: Susanna Young Håkansson, NIKK
Friday 7th of March
- Working capacity
- Economical consequences
Commentator: Edward Summanen, Transammans & Tanja von Knorring, Transfeminina
Trans - Labour Market- Wallet is financed by the Nordic Council, the NIKK LBGTI-fond. It was conducted by Medida and Rätt Olika, in collaboration with Ekvalita AB and Inclusive Insights, as well as FPES, Regnbågsalliansen, Regnbågsfyren, RFSL, Seta, Transfeminina and Transsammans.