Marstrand Big Boat Race 2025

Organizer Marstrands SS och SportsPartner AS
Time 2025-05-23 19:282025-05-25 19:28
Location Marstrands , Marstrand
Regatta fee <36 foot
3000 SEK
Regatta fee 36 - 45 foot
4000 SEK
Regatta fee >45 foot
5500 SEK
Late Regatta fee <36 foot
5000 SEK
Late Regatta fee 36 - 45 foot
6000 SEK
Late Regatta fee >45 foot
6500 SEK

Marstrand Big Boat Race is a race by sailors for sailors!
The concept is simple:
- Two days of intense racing – for both pros and amateurs.
- Great social events – dock-party and the biggest regatta dinner on the west coast.
- Family friendly – activities for everyone on the beautiful island of Marstrand

Docking fee included in entry fee

The regatta is open to Melges 24 Class as Weill as  all yachts with a valid SRS ≥1.000. Participants with a valid rating certificate from the Scandinavian countries will get a free SRS-certificate. Racing in 2 or 3 classes depending on the number of boats. OD classes with 5 boats or more will be scored separately as well as in the SRS class.

+ Friday May 23: 
Practice day with coaching, tune-up races & registration
+ Saturday May 24: 
Skippers meeting, 3 w/l races on the Marstrandfjord, dock-party & dinner.
+ Sunday May 25: 
Skippers meeting, 3 w/l races, price giving.

Information, Program and NoR: