Webinarie #22 IEA Task 54
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2025-02-03 14:00
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Production Losses Due to Ice – A Major Challenge for Wind Farms in Cold Climates
IEA Task 54 is hosting a seminar and workshop live at Winterwind on assessing production losses due to ice for wind turbines using power curve analysis.
The seminar will include:- A short introduction to IEA Task 54 and our upcoming workplan
- A detailed discussion on production losses due to icing and how to assess them
- An opportunity for input and feedback on the methodology and the need for accurate assessment
Webinar Details
Monday, February 3
14:00 – 15:00 CET
Live from Winterwind in Skellefteå
As part of Workshop IEA Task 54, we will explore methodologies for evaluating production losses caused by icingthrough power curve analysis. Jennifer Pettersson from Vattenfall will be joining the discussion.
The webinar will be held in English.