Crowdfunding for creatives

Arrangör STPLN
Tid 2024-10-01 14:0017:00
Plats STPLN, Malmöhusvägen 5, Malmö
Bookkeeping Done Easy

Navigating the creative world isn’t just about doing what you love; it’s also about figuring out how to fund it. Whether you’re an artist, writer, designer, or any other kind of creative, getting your projects off the ground can be tricky. That’s where crowdfunding comes in, but how does it work and how do you get your crowd to back you? And get the guts to do it?

Join us for an engaging workshop where we’ll explore the essentials of crowdfunding for creatives. Along with exploring why and how to use crowdfunding, we’ll also dive into choosing the right platform, engaging a community that’s excited to support your work, and the key steps to launching a successful campaign. This isn’t just a talk—we’ll have interactive exercises, time to work on your ideas, and some take-home tasks to help you prepare for a successful campaign.

Leading the workshop is Hanna Ögren, a vocalist, songwriter and cultural entrepreneur who will guide you through the exciting world of crowdfunding. Hanna will share her own experience of financing music projects through crowdfunding and how she has also helped many other creatives launch and succeed with their campaigns.