Shamansk trumresa - Shamanic Drum Journey

Arrangör Eva Sanner
Tid 2024-09-04 18:3021:00
Plats Solhälla kursgård, Svenshögen, Göteborg
Participation drum journey
200 kr

Come and explore the ancient way to connect with the inner world of the wild mind that includes all evolution and all the worlds of Grandmother Earth. Meet an animal inside of you, that shares its medicine and supports you in your transformation into your truest self. Get help to translate the symbolism into your everyday world.

Place: Solhälla kursgård, Svenshögen. 60 km from Göteborg.
Price 200 SEK.

Eva Sanner is an apprentice on the Sweet Medicine Sundance Path since seven years. She is also a certified psychosynthesis therapist with a long experience from leading groups.