Organizer Lars Montelius
Time 2024-06-24 10:002024-06-27 15:00
Location Medicon Village, MeetingPoint, Scheeletorget 1, Lund www.mediconvillage.com, ...
Exhibitor (table/chairs)
14500 SEK
Startups (Registr+Roll-up)
3375 SEK
Academic employees
5375 SEK
Business employees
5375 SEK
Students (PhDs etc)
1800 SEK
Students (MSc etc)
1250 SEK
Institutional Roll-Ups
375 SEK
Invited (no cost)
Late registration Exhibitors
16875 SEK
Late registrations PhD students
3125 SEK
Late registrations MSc Students
1500 SEK
Late registrations Start-Ups
5000 SEK
Late registrations Others
6875 SEK
Tour Visits: Companies, Lund NanoLab, MaxIV, ESS etc
Tuesday morning June 25
Thursday afternoon June 27

This year the two most reputed conferences related to Nanoimprint and Nano-printing, the International NNT conference and the European NIL Industrial Day will be merged. This joint conference will take place in Lund, Sweden from June 24-27, 2024. It will feature high quality oral talks as well as a poster session and industrial exhibition.
We invite you to submit abstracts covering all nanoimprint fields ranging from tools, processes and applications realized using nanoimprint lithography. We welcome contributions from academia and from industry.
Please visit www.nnt2024.org or www.nil-industrialday.org for further information and abstract submission details.