Connecting with the Elements

Arrangör Eva Sanner
Tid 2024-02-09 18:002024-06-17 18:45
Participation for free
Donation 100 SEK
100 kr
Donation 200 SEK
200 kr
Donation 500 SEK
500 kr

The first and most important way of finding balance in life is to connect with the elements. Everything that exists is built out of water, earth, wind, fire, and all the elements are once born out of the pregnant void. The elements are the cornerstones of the Universe, and they are part of us on all levels, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Ecopsychology holds that humans are part of nature. When the weather is bright, we feel open and positive. When it is dark and rainy, we often feel low. And when ecosystems in nature are suffering, we also suffer, because we are connected to nature on all levels of our being. We could even say that we are nature. When we realize this, it changes how we see life, and this awareness also affect our choices.

In this series of five guided meditations, you get to know one element at a time, relaxing into a deep reflection about what it means to you, followed by a short sharing and ending. You can choose all five or just one of them.

February 9th (Water)
March 8th (Earth)
April 9th (Wind)
May 14th (Fire)
June 17th (Space)
You can choose to participate for free, or make a donation.
You register for the whole series with this link. After registering you will get a confirmation with the zoom link for the event (the zoom link is the same all five times).

Each meditation lasts about 15 minutes, including a silent part. Total time for the event approx. 45 minutes including sharing. It is ok to participate even if you have not done the previous one, since there will be recordings to listen to for the ones you have missed. It is free to participate, but there will be a possibility to donate if you so choose.
Recordings of the meditations are available on on the day after each event.

Language: English if international group, if only Swedes it will be in Swedish.

About the presenter:
Eva Sanner is an experienced psychosynthesis therapist, trained at Psykosyntesakademin, Stockholm, Sweden. She is trained in ecopsychology with the Lodyn Association in Sweden and has deepened her experience over the last six years as an apprentice on the shamanic path of Sweet Medicine. She is also an author of eleven books on different subjects, such as relationships, health, sexuality, and eco-psychology. She lives in the Swedish countryside with her family.